Vision, Mission, objectives

College Mission:

The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry is keen to contribute effectively to society’s public service by contributing to the educational and moral construction of humans and providing opportunities for agricultural education through developing farm knowledge and skills in various fields. It also enhances students’ abilities according to academic standards to meet the needs of the labor market, and they are competitive and committed to creative scientific research.

College Vision:

The College of Agriculture and Forestry should become a center of excellence by promoting educational and research programs and serving the community in the various specializations of agricultural sciences through achieving its objectives.


  • To develop the human resources of the faculty through the training of academic leaders, faculty members, their assistants, administrators, and employees.
  • To develop scientific research and graduate studies.
  • To provide physical infrastructure for the college capable of providing an effective environment that facilitates learning and scientific research.
  • Increasing self-financing resources to achieve balance in the college budget and finance for its activities.
  • Obtaining accreditation to develop the educational system and achieve the quality of academic programs through the application of standards of total quality assurance.
  • To expand reliance on advanced audiovisual learning tools and cognitive communication tools.
  • Developing student activities and welfare services provided by the college to students.
  • Disseminate environmental awareness and modern technologies in the field of sustainable management of agricultural resources.
  • Strengthening the relationship between the college and its graduates.
  • The college seeks to strengthen its relations with the government and private institutions and the various sectors of society to serve the country’s economy.