
The Dean of the College Meets with Members of the Media and Public Relations Division and Media Coordinators in the Departments.

Today, Wednesday, 25/8-2021, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Al-Allaf (Dean of the College) met with members of the Media and Public Relations Division in our college, and the meeting was through the Google Meet platform.At the [Read More]


Discussion of a master’s thesis in the Department of Agricultural Extension and Technology Transfer

A master's thesis was discussed in the Department of Agricultural Extension and Technology Transfer / College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul, for the student (Ali Tariq Hamid) on Tuesday 17/8/2021.The discussion committee [Read More]


A lecturer from our College Participates in the Discussion Committee for a Master’s Thesis at the University of Duhok

Prof. Dr. Anwar Nouri Al-Khairo (A lecturer in the Department of Forestry Sciences) participated as the chairman of the discussion committee for a master’s thesis on " The impact of habitat degradation on damaging behavior [Read More]

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