13 December، 2019

The Director of Mosul Training Centre for the Arab Board and the Arab Board Official for ENT Surgery Visit the College of Medicine

The Director of the Mosul Training Centre for the Arab Board, the consultant doctor Dr Rafie` H. al-Qazzaz, and the official of the Arab Board for Otolaryngology (Mosul Training Centre), the consultant doctor Dr Raghadan M. Dawood, visited the College of Medicine on Wednesday, 4 December 2019. They were received by Vice- Dean of the College Assist. Prof Dr Hazim Kh. al-Allaf, and the Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs Scientific Assist. Prof Dr Humam Gh. I. Zubeer. During their meeting, they discussed ways of mutual cooperation and high coordination between the Board Centre and the college and discussing other related topics. Then, they met with a number of supervisors, trainers, and students of the Arab and Iraqi Council of ENT Surgery of Mosul Training Centre. The meeting discussed the obstacles and difficulties facing the board students, and discussing the solutions according to the available capabilities. They concluded their visit by attending the fourth meeting of the Division of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) of the Journal of Club.

