14 December، 2019

The Accreditation Committee Conducts Its Fourth Meeting for the Academic Year 2019-2020

The Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. I. Zubeer, chaired the fourth meeting of the college’s accreditation committee, on Monday, 9 December 2019. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Committee, Prof Dr Basil M. N. Saeed, as well as by the Representative of the National Assessment Team, Assistant Prof Dr Walid Gh. al-Taie, and the lecture Dr Zaid Q. al-Atraqchi. The meeting handled the seventh item of accreditation pertaining to resources and requirements of the educational process. It also implicitly handled the topic of e-learning, its mechanisms and the possibility of applying it actually. The meeting was held within a series of continuous weekly periodic meetings in order to complete the self-study report of the college for the academic year 2019-2020. Furthermore, the meeting was attended by the Responsible of the Medical Education Development Unit, Dr Mustafa S. Fadil, the Responsible of the Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division, the assistant lecture Dr Omar M. Shandala, as well as other committee members.

