16 December، 2019

The College of Medicine Wins Five Various Awards in the University’s Seventh Central Quran Competition

Under the patronage and attendance of the President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay K.al-Ahmadi, the honouring ceremony for the participants in the seventh competition for reciting and memorizing the Holy Qur’an was held on Thursday, 12 December 2019 in the hall of the Scientific and Literary Forum of the University. The ceremony was attended by the Vice- President of the University for Scientific Affairs, a number of faculties’ deans including the Dean of the College of Medicine, Assistant Prof Dr Hazim Kh. al-Allaf, who was accompanied by the Official Responsible for the College of Information Division, Chief Engineer Hassan Y. Abdullah. The ceremony started with a recitation of the Holy Quran with the voice of the first winner in the category of associates of the University, then the speech of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the competition, Prof Dr Abdul Sattar F. Khadr, then recitation of the Holy Quran by the first winner of the recitation in the university students` category. Then the results were announced, the College of Medicine had a good share of the advanced positions in the competition for the associates` and students` categories. In the category of associates, the Chief Engineer, Muntaha D. Zaidan was ranked the third in the competition of memorising five chapters of Quran. In the students` category, the student Fatima M. Ismail (second stage) ranked the first in the competition of memorizing five chapters, and ranked the third in the recitation competition at the same time. While the student Maymouna A. Shehab (second stage) ranked the first in memorising ten chapters , while her colleague Lubna N. Qassem (second stage) also ranked the second in the ten chapters memorizing competition. The Deanship and its Associates bless the above-mentioned ones, wishing them continuous progress.

