19 December، 2019

Delegating the Head of the Computer Maintenance Unit to Egypt

The University of Mosul seeks to consolidate the scientific movement, to increase the efficiency of its employees and to inform them of the latest innovations in the information revolution and the digital world; twenty seven trainees as a computer technician (engineer or programmer) joined from the university’s departments and colleges to the training course entitled ( The Education and Digital Governance) which was held at the University of Senghor) in the city of Alexandria in the Arab Republic of Egypt from 8 to 12 December 2019. The College of Medicine was represented in this training course by the Head of the Computer Maintenance Unit, assistant – chief Engineer Hussein N. Saleh. The trainees were subjected to lectures and practical programs in the field of governance and its applications in education. The officials of these programs referred to the scientific and interactive level of the Mosul University trainees.

