17 November، 2019

Expanded Meeting of the Deanship of the College of Medicine with New Students for the Academic Year 2019-2020

The Deanship of the Faculty of Medicine held an extensive meeting which is the first of its kind with the new students (the first stage) admitted for the academic year 2019-2020 on Sunday, 3 November2019. The meeting was chaired by Prof Basil M. Saeed, the Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs assist. Prof Dr Humam Gh. Zubeer, Vice- Dean for Administrative Affairs assist. Prof Hazim Kh. al-Allaf, Registrar of the College Lect. Dr Ashraf A. al-Sumaida’e, and Head of Guidance Unit assist. Prof Dr Walid Gh. al-Taee. The meeting initially was managed by the Head Engineers Mr (Hasan Y. Abdullah), Responsible of Media Office and Public Relations at the College of Medicine, afterthought, the Dean welcomed the new students. He asserted the importance of the instructions issued by the higher authorities, including the commitment to lectures times and the preservation of public property and keep to hygiene of college. He added that the medical student enjoys a prestigious position by everyone and therefore his behaviour should always be civilized and sound Thereafter, the Scientific and Administrative Vice- Dean and the educational counsellor talked about the courses system and how to deal with it. They also spoke of not being afraid of the obstacle of English because it is the official language for lecturing and taking exams. The students were instructed to stay away from disputes in order to avoid any problems that might be caused to the student himself. The students were also instructed to follow the administrative sequence in case they inquire about something. They have to ask at first the teaching staff, the scientific branch, the guidance committee, the registration division, then the vice- dean and dean. The meeting was attended by Anwar M. Al-Hamdani, the head of the Administration Division. After the meeting, a number of outstanding students from the advanced stages of the college provided some advices and guidance to their colleagues of the first stage, which received the approval and satisfaction of everyone.

