4 January، 2020

The Deanship of the College of Medicine Inspects the Classrooms for the First Stage Students

The Dean of the College of Medicine Prof Dr Basil M. Natheer Saeed and the Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim Zubeer inspected some classrooms and met with students of the first stage in particular on Monday, 30 December 2019. The Deanship directed its instruction that the college`s students should be equally responsible for perseverance and academic and scientific achievement because they are affiliated with an ancient college that qualifies them after years to be famous doctors. The Deanship directed that the students must overcome all the difficulties that face them in the first stage as the barrier of the language and the shortness of the first academic term especially for students whose admission was delayed for various reasons. On the other hand, the Deanship listened carefully to its students where they expressed their opinions, proposals, and promised them to solve everything that hinders the educational process according to the available facilities.

