29 February، 2020

The Human Resources Division of the College of Medicine Attends a Meeting at the Presidency of University

The Retirement Division of the Administrative and Financial Affairs Department of the Presidency of University of Mosul, in cooperation with the Nineveh Governorate Pension Fund, held a meeting with authorized employees responsible of the electronic form to grant support to students who receive a pension in colleges on Thursday, 20 February 2020. During the meeting, a lecture was given by the Official of the Retirement Division, Mr Mohammad F. Sheet (in the presence of the Director of the Nineveh Pension Fund), on the mechanism of activating the electronic form (barcode) system for granting students who receive a pension in colleges; how to identify the system and the method of completing electronic transactions. Also, special accounts were distributed to the college’s authorized employees to enter and use the system. On the part of the College of Medicine, the meeting was attended by the associates of the Human Resources Division, Director Manal S. Hussein, and the assistant -head research Qisma A. Zaid. In conclusion, the Director of the Nineveh Pension Fund answered the attendees ’questions and inquiries about the electronic retirement system and the electronic form for supporting students.

