14 April، 2020

Some Scientific Departments Hold their Meetings Electronically for the First Time

Some scientific departments of the College of Medicine held their meetings electronically for the first time in April 6-7, 2020. The departments of Microbiology, Paediatrics, Family and Community Medicine, Gynaecology, and Radiology have held their meetings through zoom or Skype (or other electronic communication) programs. The meetings as a whole discussed the e-learning mechanism for both elementary and postgraduate studies. Attention was also given to the interactive aspect of the lectures with giving assignments to students. As for the practical side, it was discussed the necessity of finding a suitable formula for the electronic evaluation of students as well as the issues that pertain to each department itself. Moreover, the aforementioned meetings took place with the presence of the heads, rapporteurs and the teaching staff of the relevant departments. The departments not mentioned above have held their meetings in the same manner at the end of last March and early April.

