3 May، 2020

The College of Medicine Council Holds its Fifteenth Meeting for the Academic Year 2019-2020 Electronically

The meeting was chaired by the Dean, Prof Dr Basil M. Natheer Saeed, and with the presence of the Scientific Assistant (Secretary of the Council), assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim Zubeer, the Vice- Dean for Administrative Affairs, assistant Prof Dr Hazim Kh. al-Allaf, and the presence of other members of the Council. Initially, the Dean urged the teaching staff to publish their research in the Annals of the College of Medicine to expedite its entry into the Scopus journals. While the Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs (Secretary of the Council) reviewed the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Promotions Committee in the college, where it was agreed to promote promotion transactions for some lecturers. Also, the results of the students for the first level (the first stage) for the first semester of the current academic year have been disclosed, after handling some cases by adding five degrees in accordance with the directives of the ministry and the university, and success rates also have been reviewed. It was approved to record the research of the teaching staff within the research plan of the college and according to the established regulations.

