11 May، 2020

ENT Division and Department of Surgery Conducts a Special Electronic Meeting

With the participation of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof. Dr Basil M. Natheer Saeed, the Head of the Dept. of Surgery, Prof. Dr Samir I. al-Saffar, and the Head of the Ear, Nose and Throat Division, Prof. Dr Ali A. Muhammad, the Division held a special meeting for it, on Friday, 1st May 2020. In the meeting (which was held through Zoom program), it was discussed the theoretical and practical teaching of the subject in line with the instructions of the Ministry and the university presidency. It was also agreed to continue the weekly meeting of the Iraqi and Arab Board students, in which most of the province’s specialists participate in addition to the teaching staff of the aforementioned division and the Department of Surgery.

