9 July، 2020

The College of Medicine Finishes the Requirements of Activating University Email for Undergraduate and postgraduate Studies

Under the direction of the Presidency of Mosul University, and with the follow-up to the Deanship of the College of Medicine, the registration, media and public relations divisions completed the requirements of activating the university email for their students, in June 2020. More than ten days, the accounts of students of undergraduate and postgraduate studies were audited together in coordination with the Electronic Computer Centre at the university presidency. After creation, the representatives of the students of the stages were contacted who played an important and vital role in communicating the passwords in all honesty to the students concerned. The number of students who benefited from this service reached more than 1,600 students (for undergraduate studies), in addition to 66 students (for postgraduate studies). A university email is an email provided by the university and college to students, ending with edu. Through it, the student communicates with the college, as it has unlimited storage capacity such as the size of attachments while sending or receiving text messages and other Google services. The purpose of establishing university e-mail at this particular time (before the final exams) in order to enable students to participate in these electronic exams, by enrolling in the virtual exam classes for each stage. The student will not be able to take exams or join electronic classes except through this official university email. In addition, students will be provided in a timely manner with special codes to enter the exam class for each academic stage. Therefore, we urge our student (who have not yet activated their mail) to do so as quickly as possible to ensure that they then have the right to take the exams easily and conveniently. For further details and watch video, click here.
