19 July، 2020

The Department of Medical Physiology Keeps Going a Number of Seminars for Masters Students Electronically

The Department of Medical Physiology kept going a number of seminars for master’s students electronically, on Saturday, 11th July 2020. The student Hiba Hassan presented the seminar titled “Respiratory Failure” under the supervision of the head of the department, assistant Prof Dr Afra M. al-Amin. While the student Saad Abdul Jabbar presented the seminar titled “Pain Gait” and the student Alaa Akram presented the seminar titled “the Effect of Starvation on GIT Flora” under the supervision of the lecturer Dr Raja A. Yunus. The presentation of these seminars of master’s students is part of the graduate requirements. Moreover, all seminars were attended by head and rapporteur and some teaching staff of the department.

