4 August، 2020

The Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs of the College of Medicine Visits the College’s Construction Site on the Right Side after Resuming Work on It.

The Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs, assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim Zubeer visited the college’s construction site (on the right side) after resuming work on it on Wednesday, July 22th 2020. The Scientific Vice- Dean discussed with the engineer Maha Sami, the implementing engineer on the building of the scientific departments 1. The Deanship closely examined the steps of the work progress and where the completion rate reached especially making adjustments to the designs as directed by the Projects Department at the University of Mosul and based on the request and desire of the college, and to achieve the benefit technically, administratively and scientifically. It was stressed the need to accelerate the pace of work to complete this urban achievement in accordance with the specified time period.

