16 August، 2020

The Rapporteur of the Department of Pathology Provides an Electronic Briefing about his Training in the Specialty of Forensic Medicine in France

The rapporteur of the Department of Pathology, assistant Lecturer Karam T. Tawfiq Agha, presented an electronic briefing on his training in the specialty of forensic medicine in France (for the period December 1, 2019 to February 26, 2020) on Friday, August 7th 2020. The briefing was attended by some heads, rapporteurs and professors of the scientific departments of the college. He touched upon the details of the training such as examining victims of domestic violence, abused children, and various other types of violence. It was also touched upon the training courses attended by him in the MEDCRIM2 master’s program, which included legal medicine and archaeology as well as others. After that, it was allowed for questions and interventions, which were answered by the presenter.

