19 August، 2020

Ending the Final Exams (first round) for the Academic Year 2019-2020 Electronically

With the grace of God and his success, the final exams (first round) of the Faculty of Medicine for the academic year 2019-2020 ended electronically on Wednesday, August 12th2020. The examinations witnessed sustained visits by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research together with the ministerial team. It also witnessed a permanent presence of the university presidency and the central committee to follow up on the exams as well as the Dean, Prof Dr Basil Muhammad Nathir Saeed, and under the supervision of the scientific and administrative Vice-Dean, assistant Prof Dr Hammam Gh. Ibrahim, and assistant Prof Dr Hazim Kh. Al-Allaf. The examinations were conducted with a high flow through the Google Classroom platform, in a pioneering experiment that is the first of its kind at the college, university and ministry levels. About 1,600 students (representing the six academic stages of the college) participated in it via an official university email created for them prior to the exams. On this occasion, the Deanship of the College extends its sincere thanks to all those responsible for the success and completion of the exams in their most complete and optimal way, with the president and members of the examination and support committees, in addition to the Registration Division. As well as the case, thanks are extended to all departments of science including heads, rapporteurs and teaching staff. The Deanship also appreciates the high conscious role of our dear students.

