21 August، 2020

The College of Medicine Witnesses for the First Time the Launch of Certificate Equivalency Examinations for Students of Medical Colleges outside Iraq

Under the patronage and presence of the President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi, and the Scientific Vice- President, Prof Dr Munir S. Taha, and under the supervision of the Scientific Vice-Dean of the College of Medicine, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, it set off at the College of Medicine certificate equivalency exams for students of medical colleges outside Iraq on Sunday, August 16th 2020. Today, the first exam, for which thirty examiners took the medical examination, took place in the hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Mosul. At the time when the exams for students of colleges of medicine were launched, two other similar examinations for students of colleges of dentistry and pharmacy began (also outside Iraq). In a precedent that is the first of its kind at the level of the University of Mosul and the aforementioned colleges, after obtaining the approval of the Ministry. In a precedent that is the first of its kind at the level of the University of Mosul and the aforementioned colleges, after obtaining the approval of the Ministry. For more details, watch the videos from here and here and here and here.
