21 August، 2020

The College of Medicine Attends the Activity of Announcing the End of the University’s Final Electronic Exams

Under the patronage and attendance of the President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi, and in the presence of the distinguished University Council members and a group of faculty members, the University Presidency held an activity of announcing the end of the final electronic exams on Sunday, August 16th 2020 in the Scientific and Literary Forum Hall. The activity, which was attended by the scientific Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, representative of the Dean, Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed, included a press conference announcing the end of the final electronic exams for the first round of Mosul University students for the academic year 2019-2020. The exams took place in exceptional circumstances that are not free of great challenges due to the imposition of preventive measures for the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic and the suspension of work hours. The activity (which was held amidst strict medical and health procedures) included the distribution of certificates of appreciation to the members of the central examination committees and participants in the e-learning course held by the American IREX Organization in cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and others. For more video details, click here and hereand here.
