15 December، 2020

Speech of the Dean of the College of Medicine on the Occasion of the New Academic Year 2020-2021

The Dean of the College of Medicine delivered his speech to our dear students on the eve of starting the new academic year 2020-2021, the following is its text:

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Dear students … our sons and daughters … Welcome again to your college, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Mosul. The launch of this year comes in exceptional difficult circumstances that have passed and passed for all of humanity. I hope and trust that you will adapt and coexist with these circumstances, and surpass them with your eagerness, patience and diligence and with the grace of God Almighty before and after. The march of knowledge and advancement in the ladder of excellence and creativity is not fraught with roses and winds at all. After only a few months or years, you will become physicians completing the procession of those who came before you that spanned tens of years. My sons .. my daughters .. There is no doubt that Corona is still a dangerous and worrying concern. Therefore, I recommend that you to stick the preventive aspect, social distancing, and other. In conclusion, I pray Allah Almighty for you to success and to be a distinguished academic year by all standards, in which we all excel over ourselves and the circumstances surrounding us, and every year and you are well ..

Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed

Dean of the College of Medicine

