28 December، 2020

The Pathology Department Holds a Ceremony of Honoring the Winners of the Third Pathology Arts Competition and the Distinguished Presenters of Seminars

In the presence of the Scientific Vice- Dean of the College of Medicine, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, and the Administrative Vice- Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Hazim Kh. Al-Allaf, the Pathology Department held a ceremony to honor the winners of the Third Pathology Arts Competition and the distinguished presenters of seminars, on Wednesday December 23rd 2020. Initially, the competition coordinator, Assistant Lecturer Karam T. Tawfiq by providing a brief about it explaining that it began to receive continuous success year after year especially after the expansion of participation in it inside and outside Iraq. For its part, the Dean of the College expressed its satisfaction and support for the establishment of such creative scientific and artistic activities that would enhance and strengthen the student’s academic capabilities especially as they were established by a distinguished scientific department. After that, shields and gifts of appreciation were distributed to the winners of the aforementioned competition as well as to those distinguished by presenting student seminars. On the sidelines of the ceremony, the Assistant Prof Dr Nadwa S. Al-Ezzo was honored for her good efforts throughout her working as head of the department in recent years. Finally, the ceremony was attended by the head, rapporteur and general teaching staff of the department and a group of students.

