7 January، 2021

The Reception Committee of the new students of the Faculty of Medicine Carries out its Duties Perfectly

The College of Medicine has completed the registration 420 students who are centrally accepted for the academic year 2020-2021. During ten continuous working days (starting on December 20, 2020), the registration, auditing, electronic documentation and related requirements such as archiving and others were completely completed. The reception and registration took place in a period of time that is considered a record par excellence, and no competition, confusion or delay in work was noticed until these large numbers of students were absorbed exactly one week before the end of the specified period for registration. The cadre of the Registration Division is one of the distinguished ones at the college and university level in general just like the rest of the divisions and units as it has administrative and technical experience formed over many years. In addition to that, the successful and accurate selection of the committee for the reception of new students formed for this purpose by the Deanship. It included cadres from inside and outside the registration’s office. The members of the committee who chose to work silently while they are not affiliated with the registration, and we proudly disclose their names below. The Assistant Lecturer Saddam A. Sadiq, the legal assistant, Intisar S. Fathi, the accountant Ali Z. Hamed, Mrs. Zahra M. Taha, Mr. Abbas A. Mukhtar, Mr. Muhammad R. Majeed, and Mr. Ghaith F. Hassan.

