16 January، 2021

The Dean of the College of Medicine Visits a Number of Classrooms

The Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil Mز Nathir Saeed, visited a number of classrooms on Thursday, January 7th 2021. The visit was devoted to the fourth phase (medicine exclusively). The Dean expressed his firm directives regarding the blended learning method (attendance and electronic), as it is the teaching followed during the academic year 2020-2021. Students were also emphasized to adhere to the recommendations of the Health Crisis Cell regarding the Corona pandemic in terms of wearing masks and spatial distance as much as possible. The Deanship also looked closely and listened to the opinions of some students, and promised to find effective solutions to them quickly according to the available possibilities. The visit was also attended by the Head of the department, Prof Dr KhalId N. Al-Kherro, and the lecturer Dr Wael Th. Younis.

