12 February، 2021

The College of Medicine Carries on with Discussion Concerning Completing Accreditation Requirements

The College of Medicine discussed completing the requirements for obtaining national and international accreditation by holding the second meeting on Tuesday, February 2nd 2021. The meeting was chaired by the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed and in the presence of the Scientific Vice-Dean , Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim. The meeting was initiated by a presentation on the developments of international accreditation requirements especially in light of the Corona Pandemic Accreditation Crises presented by the Official of the Scholarships and Public Relations Division, Assistant Prof Dr Omaima A. Ibrahim. The student and curricula items were also discussed and plans were drawn up for the advancement of these two items. Priorities have also been identified for work in the coming period and some proposals in this regard were given.

