13 February، 2021

The Official of Media and Public Relations Division Participates in a Media Course for CFI

The Official of Media and Public Relations Division in the College of Medicine, Chief Engineer, Hasan Y. Abd Allah participated in a media session held by the French Agency for Media Development (CFI) for the period 1-4 February 2021. The session discussed several themes, the most important of which are the art of press news, article, press statement, photography, and others. The course aimed to enhance the informational and technical capabilities of the officials of the departments and units of the media faculties and research centers of the university. The Department of Cultural Relations, Media and Public Relations at the presidency of university had cooperated with the aforementioned agency to hold this session under the slogan “Media Calls for Strengthening Social Solidarity in Nineveh.” Certificates of appreciation will be distributed to the participants (the 35 participants) in a special ceremony that will be organized at a later time if Allah willing.

