13 March، 2021

Two Virtual Students Seminars of the Department of Microbiology Discuss Antibiotics and Genetic Engineering Techniques

Two virtual students seminars of the Department of Microbiology discussed the topics of antibiotics and genetic engineering techniques on Thursday, 4th March 2021. The students: Saad A. Abdel Qader, Aya R. Jalal, Zeina Duraid, Aseel Abdel Mohsen, Amna Firas, Afrah Abdul Razzaq Muhammad, and Mahmoud Sh. Mahmoud presented the seminar entitled “Antibiotics, How do they work ?” It was shed light on the antibiotics in terms of their origin and classifications. It also discussed its working methods, and the methods it uses to eliminate various germs.

After that, the students presented Abdul Rahman Ayyad, Shams Muhannad, Abdul Rahman Faris, Mayar Adi, Noor Muhammad, Hudhaifa Ali, and Maymouna Adel, presented the seminar titled “Insulin from E. coli to the patient” which discussed the use of genetic engineering techniques to produce insulin from coliform bacteria as a viable alternative for diabetics who suffer from allergies to insulin of animal origin. This topic and its presentation received admiration and praise from the department presidency. Both seminars were supervised by the department’s rapporteur, Assistant lecturer Walid Kh. Saadoun.

This scientific activity is part of the academic requirements for third-year students. Among the attendees were the head and general teaching staff of the department in addition to the students of the aforementioned stage.

To watch the last seminar in video click here.
