2 April، 2021

The College of Medicine Attends a Virtual Meeting Sets up by the Presidency of the University Regarding Preparations for Beginning Mid-year Examinations for the Academic Year 2020-2021

The Scientific Vice- Dean of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Munir S. Taha chaired a virtual meeting regarding the mid-year examinations for the academic year 2020-2021 attended by the assistants of the deans, the university e-mail authorizers and the affiliates of the Electronic Computer Centre on Friday evening 19thMarch 2021.The aim of the meeting was to discuss the latest technical and administrative preparations made by the faculties of the university in all its departments for the examinations that will start on Monday 22ndMarch 2021.It concluded that it is necessary to rely on the university email for the teaching staff and the student in the exams. It also concluded the necessity to put an official personal photo of the student in the interface of his account in addition to linking the exam platform to the university email. Also, the attendance and entry of all students into the designated examination platform was confirmed half an hour before the start of the exam to check the names of the examined students.On the part of the College of Medicine, the meeting was attended by the Scientific Vice-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, and the Official of the Media and Public Relations Division, the chief engineer, Hasan Y. Abdullah. The Scientific Vice-Dean confirmed in his interposition about the college’s full readiness to start the exams by delivering e-mails to all students from some time ago, and conducting some experimental tests for them especially for the first phase due to their huge number, and it is being a new experience for them.

