8 April، 2021

A Virtual Training Course of Medical College Outlines the Importance of Cloud Storage

The Computer Unit of the College of Medicine held a virtual training course on the advantages of cloud storage as a model drive for the period 28-29 March 2021 presented by Assistant Prof Ruqaya Z. Sha’ban.The course discussed the issue of cloud storage that has existed for several years, but it is now needed in light of corona and dealing with it a lot in the field of education.The course aimed to introduce the pros and cons of this type of storage and the applications it uses. It also covered how to operate an electronic account with a full explanation on one of its famous applications which is Google Drive.The course reached the importance of training by workers in the field of education (teaching staff and students) on the use of this type of storage as the remote learning process requires permanent uploading of files to benefit from them at various other times.The course was held under the auspices of the attendance of the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed, and a number of its associates (Teaching staff and employees).

