12 April، 2021

The College of Medicine Attends and Participates in the University’s 54th Anniversary Celebrations

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof Dr Nabil K. Abdel-Saheb, and under the supervision and presence of the President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi, and with a large official and social presence, the activities for the university’s fifty-fourth founding anniversary were launched on Thursday 1st April 2021. The central celebration curriculum began with a speech by His Excellency the Minister through a video presentation, so a speech by the Governor of Nineveh Najm Al-Jubouri, and another by the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee (the Scientific Vice-President of University of Mosul) Prof. Dr Munir Taha, then a poem by the great poet Dr Walid Al-Sarraf. As well as, it was presenting shields of appreciation, gifts and bouquets of flowers for University of Mosul provided by local officials in the city. At the end of the celebration, the most published teaching staff were honoured in international containers, as well as the outstanding students of their colleges for the academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. The aforementioned day also witnessed the opening of art exhibitions and the honouring of outstanding athletes in various university sports.

On the part of the College of Medicine, Raghad A. Ibrahim, the first distinguished graduate for the academic year 2018-2019, and the first distinguished graduate Obaida M. Salim for the academic year 2019-2020 were honoured. The Scientific Vice-Dean, Assistant Pro Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, participated in the honour, representing the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil M. Nathir Saeed. In the public relations field, the Director of the Media and Public Relations Division, head of the engineer, Hasan Y. Abdullah attended the ceremony. In the scouting field, the Official of the Student Activities Division, the Lecturer Dr Muhammad Kh. Salih participated in the team of the torchbearers that set off from the Al-Sharqyia Secondary School to the main square in front of the Scientific and Literary Forum. He also led the arbitration of the final futsal match between the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences and the University Presidency which ended with the first victory with five goals to two. In the field of sports results, the student Muhammad Suhaib (second stage) was honoured for winning the first place in the table tennis game, and the Deanship was also honoured with another cup for the same reason. Meanwhile, student Hussam A. Ahmed (first stage) won the ninth place in the cross-country marathon. It is an old tradition that is held annually on the side-lines of celebration of University Day.

