16 April، 2021

Commencing the Mid-year Examinations of the College of Medicine for the Academic Year 2020-2021, and the Ministerial Team Praises its Organization

In the presence of the President of University of Mosul, Prof Dr Qusay K. Al-Ahmadi as well as the Scientific Vice-President, Prof Dr Munir S. Taha on Sunday April 11th 2021, the mid-year exams of the Faculty of Medicine for the academic year 2020-2021 were launched. Today, the first exam was taken for the subjects of medicine (for the fourth stage) and for paediatrics (for the fifth stage). In the meantime, a video communication (audio and video) with the Ministry was secured, as the ministerial team closely monitored the conduct of the examinations in the various examination halls and held some direct meetings with the students. The extent of everyone’s commitment with health and medical safety rules and conditions was also checked out amid the on-going corona pandemic. The exam was also attended by the Dean of the College, the Scientific Vice -Dean, and some Officials of the concerned divisions. All wishes to our dear students of luck and success.

