29 June، 2024

The Sixth In-Person Meeting for the Clinical Psychology Courses Program

The sixth in-person Clinical Psychology Courses Programme meeting was successfully held on Thursday, 27 June 2024. The meeting aimed to enhance participants’ skills in aiding victims of psychological trauma in Nineveh Province. The sixth study unit lasted for eleven weeks. The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Basil SAEED, Dean of the College of Medicine at the University of Mosul, along with Assistant Prof. Dr. Humam Ghanim IBRAHIM, Vice Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Karam Turath TAWFEEQ, Vice Dean for Administrative Affairs, and Assistant Prof. Dr. Mohammed Zuhair ZAIDAN, Director of the Institute Cultural Franco-Iraqien at the University of Mosul, in addition to the following Supervising tutors::Assistant Professor Dr. Afraa Mohammed Al-AMEEN, Dr. Ahmed Abdullah AHMED, Dr. Safiyya Adeeb Al CHALABI, Dr. Simaa Abdul Qadir AHMID from the University of Mosul College of Medicine, and Dr. Mustafa Nooruldeen from the College of Medicine, University of Nineveh.

The meeting included five seminars on various topics in clinical psychology and an electronic, in-person exam via the Moodle platform at the e-learning lab of the College of Medicine, University of Mosul. The comprehensive program consists of seven training units spanning the academic year, involving 32 trainees from the University of Mosul and Nineveh and trainees from Nineveh’s health and education directorates.

The seventh unit of the program will be completed through training provided by psychiatry, emergency medicine, and trauma care experts. This program is executed in collaboration between the University of Mosul, the University of Nineveh, the University of Lorraine (France), and the Francophone University Agency.

