4 May، 2021

The Various Scientific Departments of the College of Medicine Conducting Mid-Year Practical Examinations for the Academic Year 2020-2021

The scientific departments of the College of Medicine have begun conducting mid-year practical examinations for the academic year 2020-2021 for different academic levels. On Monday, 26th April 2021, the medical physiology exam will be held for students of the second stage. On the aforementioned day, a pathology examination was held for the third stage students. On Tuesday, 27th April 2021, the anatomy exam was held for the first section of the first stage students, with the hope of completing the third and third sections on Wednesday and Thursday 28-29 April 2021. All the examinations are conducted under the follow-up of the college deanship, under the supervision of the heads of the concerned departments, and in the presence of the rapporteurs and the general teaching staff amid strict precautionary measures due to the continuing corona pandemic. Wish all our dear good luck and success.

