22 July، 2021

The Virtual Training Course of the Department of Biochemistry Discusses Adding a Genetic Blood Cholesterol Test to the List of those who are about to Get Married

The training course held by the Department of Biochemistry for the period 3-7 July 2021 discussed adding the genetic blood cholesterol test to the list of those who are about to get married.

The course aimed to increase awareness of the importance of encouraging those who are about to get married to undergo regular examinations.

It came to spreading the concept of genetic testing and clarifying the results of the tests, and what they mean from a legal and expedited point of view in case of mismatch between spouses or because one of them is a carrier of the disease.

The course was held virtually under the patronage and attendance of the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil M. Nazir Saeed as well as dozens of teaching staff. Eight specialized lectures were presented alternately presented by the department’s teaching staff and some specialized doctors from inside and outside Iraq.

