30 July، 2021

The Department of Anatomy Carries out the Final Practical Exams for the Academic Year 2020-2021

The Department of Anatomy carried out the final practical exams for the academic year 2020-2021. On Sunday and Monday 4th -5th July 2021, the practical exam of anatomy (for the second year medical students) was held on Tuesday and Wednesday 6th -7th July, 2021.

The practical exam for Medical Biology (for the first year medical students) was carried out on Wednesday and Saturday, 7th and 10th July. The practical exam of histology (for the second year Medical students) was held. Then the anatomy exam (for the first year medical students) was carried out on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 11th -13th July 2021. All exams were conducted smoothly, amid precautionary health measures due to the continuation of corona pandemic. All exam were carried out under the supervision and presence of the Head of the Department, the Lecturer Dr Omar Riyad. In addition, some of these exams were attended by the Dean of the College, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather, and the Scientific Vice-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim. Wish our dear students’ good luck and success.

