4 August، 2021

An Instructor of the Department of Family and Community Medicine Participates in the Training Courses for Digital Education in Lebanon

The training courses in the field of digital education, Mooc and C2I, in both French and Arabic ended in the Lebanese capital, Beirut on Friday, 16th July 2021, for a period of five days. A group of Mosul University teaching staff from various scientific and humanitarian disciplines participated in it, including the assistant lecturer from the Department of Family and Community Medicine, Firas M. Saeed. It is hoped that the participants in these courses will transfer this experience to university’s teaching staff according to a program being planned in coordination with the Electronic Computer Centre. The Francophone Unit, Missions and Cultural Relations Department, supervised the coordination and organizational work of all activities related to these programs. The official announcement of the completion of the first phase will be scheduled at the end of July 2021.

