6 August، 2021

An Assistant Professor from the Department of Pediatrics within a Master’s Thesis Discussion Committee in the College of Nursing on the level of Zinc in Children

A master’s thesis submitted by the student Ryan M. Ibrahim entitled “Zinc level in children with acute diarrhoea compared to healthy children in Nineveh Governorate” was discussed in the College of Nursing on Wednesday, 28th July 2021.

The discussion committee consisted of Prof Dr Salwa H. Al-Mukhtar (chairman), the Assistant Prof Dr Mazin M. Fawzy Al-Sarraf from the Department of Pediatrics , College of Medicine, (member), the consultant physician Dr Moataz A. Al-Ani (member), and Assistant Prof Dr Nashwan M. Al-Hafiz (member and supervisor).

The thesis included a comparative study on zinc levels in children with diarrhoea in Nineveh Governorate hospitals compared to their healthy peers.

After the discussion, the committee’s decision was read included accepting the thesis after making amendments to it and awarded the student a master’s degree.

