28 August، 2021

The Department of Pediatrics Holds the Final Practical Exam of the Sixth Grade for the Academic Year 2020-2021 Using OSCE System

Under the supervision and presence of the Head of the Department of Pediatrics, Assistant Prof Dr Riyadh A. Al-Obaidi, the department held the final practical exam of the sixth grade for the academic year 2020-2021 starting from Tuesday, 17th August 2021and for several days. The examination proceedings take place at Ibn Sina Teaching Hospital which consists of two phases. The first is a slide test (in the hospital room) and the second is OSCE examination (in the patient halls) in the form of A and B tracks. Despite the spread of the third wave of corona pandemic, the department, with the support of the deanship of the college, decided to hold the exam clinically to achieve the desired scientific sobriety amid strict health precautions. The rapporteur and teaching staff of the department attended the exam. Wish our dear students success and good luck.

