2 September، 2021

Senior Physicist Raghda Tariq Abdul Latif Accomplishes Discussing her Master’s Thesis Successfully

Senior physicist from the Department of Medical Physiology, Raghda T. Abdullatif, accomplished her master’s study entitled “Characterization of the cationic beta decay method for light, medium and heavy nuclei” on Tuesday, 24th August 2021.

The study dealt with the determination of the positive beta decay energy (Q+-value) for light, medium and heavy nuclei (odd-odd, odd-even, even-odd, even-even) within the range of nuclei 10≤Z≤98.

The quark-like model was used after performing the graphic representation between the theoretical and experimental values of the nuclear binding energy in order to obtain calibration equations leading to a new mathematical formula for the positive beta decay energy of the studied nuclei.

Statistical relationships were adopted to determine the acceptability of the studied models in employing them to obtain the positive beta decay energy.

The discussion was attended by the Dean of the College of Sciences, University of Mosul, Assistant Prof Dr Hiyam Adel Al-Tai, and the Head of the Medical Physiology Department, College of Medicine, University of Mosul, Assistance Prof Dr Afra’ M. Al-Amin, and a number of teaching staff and academics.

After the discussion, the committee’s decision was read included accepting the thesis and awarding the student the master’s degree.

The deanship and members of the college bless and appreciate this distinguished scientific effort, wishing her continued success in the practical and applied fields.

