5 September، 2020

Medical Faculty Affiliates Start Working Hours for the Academic Year 2020-2021

Affiliates of the College of Medicine (Non-staff and teaching staff) began working hours to mark the new academic year 2020-2021 on Tuesday, 1 September 2020. The Media and Public Relations Division camera monitored part of the associates ’presence in their offices while performing the tasks assigned to them, as they expressed their pleasure and happiness to return to work. (This is on the one hand), and they are all meekly hoping that God Almighty will save Mosul, Iraq and the whole world from the Corona pandemic (on the other hand). Lists were organized by the departments, divisions, and units of the college to schedule the attendance of its members in the coming period, taking the necessary health precautions (from wearing a muzzle and spatial distance) and with a presence rate of only 25%, according to the ministerial instructions in force in this regard.

