17 March، 2022

Discussing the Research of the Iraqi Board (Mosul Centre) in Otolaryngology Surgery on the Evaluation of Vitamin D3 Level in Patients with Benign Vestibular Positional Vertigo.

The graduation paper of the Iraqi Board student (Mosul Centre) in Otolaryngology Surgery, Othman Q. Saeed Al-Mukhtar, discussed the assessment of vitamin D3 level in patients with benign vestibular positional vertigo on Thursday 10th March 2022.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the level of vitamin D3 in the blood of patients with benign vestibular positional vertigo and to compare it with those without.

It was concluded that vitamin D deficiency can be considered as one of the factors causing BVP.

The discussion committee consisted of Assistant Prof Dr Muayyad I. Aziz (Chairman), Assistant Prof Dr Myaser Abdul Rahman Yassin (Member), Assistant Prof Dr Haitham A. Al Nouri (Member), Prof Dr Ali A. Muhammad (member and supervisor), and consultant Dr Hatem A. Al Nuaimi (Member and assistant supervisor).

The discussion was attended by the Dean of the College of Medicine, University of Mosul, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednather Saeed, the Arab Board official, consultant physician Dr Raghadan M. al-Hamdani, and a number of postgraduate students.

After the discussion, the committee’s decision was read included accepting the research with the necessary amendments being made.

