28 October، 2019

College of Medicine Attends the Opening Ceremony of the Two Winged Bulls

The University of Mosul witnessed a major cultural event through the opening of the two winged bulls on both sides of the student centre gate, on Thursday, 24th October 2019. The president of University of Mosul Prof Dr Qusay K. al-Ahmadi accompanied by the British and Spanish ambassadors, consulates of the two countries in Erbil, the commander of Nineveh operations Major General Noman A. al-Zobaie Director General of Cultural Relations Department Falah H. Shaker representative of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture Administrative, deans of the colleges (including the Dean of the College of Medicine, Mosul University, Prof Dr Basil M. Natheer) as well as a large gathering of students and employees of the university attended this ceremony. A plastic art exhibition was opened in the courtyard of the student centre set up by the Cultural House in the province of Nineveh. After the opining, a central artistic and cultural ceremony was held which included successive speeches on the importance of returning the life to the city and its university, focusing on the determination of the people of Nineveh province to rise it socially and culturally. Before concluding, the Spanish flamenco group performed a special musical and singing performance. The Dean of the College of Medicine was accompanied by the media staff of the College.

