29 October، 2019

M6 French TV Team in the Hospitality of the College of Medicine

The team of the French TV channel M6 visited the College of Medicine, University of Mosul, on Thursday 24th October, 2019. The Dean Prof Dr Basil M. Natheer met in his office with the channel, where he was interviewed by a televised interview. During the meeting, they discussed the current situation of the College of Medicine and the acute shortage in the halls, laboratories and equipment. On the other hand, and with the above-mentioned challenges, the channel was closely acquainted with the continuous college’s efforts to behave with these difficulties in order to overcome little by little. In this regard, the French channel M6 is the most famous in France, seeks through its tour in the University of Mosul to produce an episode in the program “exclusive investigation” which is presented by the famous program presenter Bernardi Lavilladir. The meeting was attended by Vice- Dean for Administrative Affairs, Assist. Dr Hazem Kh. al-Allaf, Dr Ashraf A. al-Samadi, Head of Registration Office, and Mr Hassan Y. Abdullah, Chief Information Officer.

