26 January، 2020

A member of teaching staff of the Department of Family and Community Medicine Presents a Summary of Her Dispatch to Egypt

In the presence of the Dean of the College of Medicine Prof Dr Basil M. Natheer Saeed, and the Vice- Dean for Scientific Affairs Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim Zubeer from the Department of Family and Community Medicine Dr Omaima A. Ibrahim (Officer of Scholarships and Cultural Relations Division) presented a summary of her dispatch to Egypt (from 4 -13 January 2020) on Monday, 21 January 2020. The briefing was presented in the presence of the representative of the National Assessment Team Assistant Prof Dr Walid Gh. Al-Ta’ie, and the Chairman and members of the College’s Accreditation Committee. The brief includes various vocabulary, the most important of which was the subject of the mechanism of working as a team, and how to work together leading to the goals set. Also, the projects were implemented starting with planning and organizing, setting priorities, implementation and re-evaluation. With regard to the educational process, the curriculum and the methods of updating and writing it were discussed, through the cooperation of the scientific departments concerned with this and up to the applied stages. This, and the College of Medicine looks for through this type of delegations to transfer scientific and practical experiences with the subject of renewing the curricula which is one of the urgent steps that the college looks for to reach the international accreditation that it aims to achieve.

