29 May، 2013

A set of medical lectures of Dr. Hussein Mohamad Jomaa – Faculty of Medicine

Dear our students, the administration of the website has uploadedmedicallectures of Dr. Hussein Mohamed Jomaa which includeLipid ManagementAbnormal Liver function testsMaintaining Patients on anticoagulants: how to do itMalariaParacetamol overdoseParkinson's disease initial assessment and referralPrescribing antihypertensivePruritus: a guide to diagnosis and treatmentPulmonary embolismShockSmall group teachingStrokeUnstable angina and NSTEMI – in association with niceVaricose veinsVertigoYou can visit this link for more detailshttp://medicinemosul.uomosul.edu.iq/page.php?details=361

