20 February، 2021

A Student’s Seminar of the Department of Medicine Discuss the Diagnosis of Cardiac Murmurs Patients

The 27th student`s seminar of the Department of Medicine discussed how to diagnose patients suffering from cardiac murmurs on Thursday 11th March 2021. The students Ibrahim Ammar, Asma’ Abd, Amna Qoutaiba, Tamara Khalid, and Hanin Miqdad presented the seminar entitled “Approach to Patients with Cardiac Murmurs” under the supervision of the department’s lecturer Dr Muhammad A. Ayoub. After that, there is a room for debates, questions and interpositions by the attendees.

A seminar was conducted to grow the students’ level in identifying the different cardiac murmurs, ways to differentiate them clinically, and how to obtain the closest accompanying diagnoses.

This scientific activity is part of the academic requirements for sixth year students.Among the attendees were the head, rapporteur and general teaching staff of the department as well as students of the aforementioned stage (medicine group exclusively).

