20 May، 2023

a Workshop on Sustainable Development

The College of Medicine Holds a Workshop on Sustainable Development

The Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof Dr Basil Mohammednathir Saeed, inaugurated a workshop entitled “Orientation towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals” Thursday 5/18/2023 in the discussion hall of the College of Medicine.

The workshop dealt with one aspect of the eighth goal of accreditation, as it took higher education as a model and talked about how to diagnose weaknesses and strengths in education and what are the ways that can be followed in order to improve the reality of education.

The workshop was delivered by both Assistant lecturer Saad Al-Saffar / Specialization in Financial Management and Assistant Prof Dr Manal Al-Sammak / Specialization in Management.

The workshop was attended by the scientific vice-Dean, Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Zubeer, the teaching staff and the non-academic staff of the College of Medicine.

The topic received positive interaction from those present due to its importance and modernity.

