8 January، 2021

Assistant Chief Engineer Yahya Salim Ahmad Participates in a Scientific Conference and Successfully Finishes Discussing his Master’s Thesis

Assistant Chief Engineer Yahya S. Ahmad Al-Halima participated in the Fifth Scientific Conference for Engineering Research and Postgraduate Studies held by the Central Technical University, for the period 21-22 December 2020. The researcher was participated in the aforementioned conference by his research entitled ” Design the Upper Limb Robotic Glove for Rehabilitate the Post-Stroke Patients.”

In a separate context, the researcher successfully completed his master’s degree in medical device engineering on Thursday, December 31st 2020. His dissertation entitled “Design and development robotic glove for the rehabilitation purposes” was discussed in a medical way for the treatment of patients with stroke. The deanship and the associate of the college appreciate this distinguished scientific effort, wishing him continued success.

