30 October، 2019

Directive speech of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research addressed directive speech to students and teaching staff on 27th October 2019. The College of Medicine at University of Mosul is pleased to publish his speech on its official website due to its importance as follows:

In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Beneficial

My dear students, my respectful brothers’ professors…. Peace, mercy of Allah, and his blessings may be upon you.

We are all aware of the dimensions of the sensitive situation in the country and the challenges it faces. Wishing that the current academic year2019-2020 goes into its usual course; focusing on the importance of starting the university education process in its sound path and urging to keep universities, colleges, and the entire campus away from all negative influences that impede the educational process.

Although peaceful demonstration is a right guaranteed by the Constitution and the law, we believe that this should be out of the campus and the entire academic community because of its negative effects on the teaching process. Therefore, we call for our students, our teaching, and administrative staff to initiate their official working, their scientific, and their research activities in the university environment in order to keep the educational process in the country away from everything that prevents and affects negatively the completion of the educational process.

At the same time, we refer to those who wish to practice the right of peaceful demonstration, they require to obtain the legal and official approvals from the competent authorities to do that in the allocated places by the government to practice this constitutionally guaranteed right.

We hope that this academic year will begin with more determination, further success, and excellence for all our dear students. Also, we hope more scientific and research to our teaching and scientific staff.

Prof Dr Qusay al-Suhail

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Baghdad 27/10/ 2019

