12 April، 2021

Ending the Mid-year Examinations of the College of Medicine for the Academic Year 2020-2021 Electronically

The mid-year exams of the College of Medicine for the academic year 2020-2021 ended electronically, with the grace of God Almighty, on Saturday 3rd April 2021. The aforementioned day included an examination of the subjects of physics (for the first stage), ethics (for the second stage), and family medicine (for the fifth stage). During the examination, the ministerial team for e-learning, the university’s Scientific Vice-President Prof Dr Munir S. Taha, the Scientific Vice-Dean of the college, the Assistant Prof Dr Humam Gh. Ibrahim, the Director of the E-learning Division, the Assistant Prof Dr Muhammad W. al-Nimah as well as the faculty liaison members conducted some direct meetings with students. The examinations as a whole proceeded very well in spite of the occurrence of some technical problems which were quickly overlooked by members of the college electronic examination committee in coordination with the departments concerned with each examination and under the direct supervision of the deanship.

