3 July، 2020

Hard work and high coordination…. Examination committee of the Faculty of Medicine as a model

When ministerial orders were issued regarding to finish the second semester of conducting the final exams electronically in late May 2020, none of the Iraqi university administrators or technicians had in mind the moment of the mechanism or how those exams would be administered. E-learning is basically a modern and new experience in the field of Iraqi education, and man is by nature an enemy of what is unknown. And if we restrict to speaking specifically about University of Mosul and the College of Medicine, the matter is not very different from other universities or colleges in terms of courage or reluctance especially as this topic and its timing came in the midst of the Corona pandemic (which continues to this point), and the social or economic , Psychic ..etc. repercussions it left behind. However, as soon as the ministerial orders in this regard were issued, and under the direction of the university presidency, and with the support of the Deanship of the College, the examination committee set for itself in particular and for the college in general, road milestones that are still being implemented with absolute precision. First, the committee formed a sub-committee called the Technical Support Committee, and in the end, it brought out well-known academic and program competencies at the university level as a whole, headed by assistant lecturer, Firas M. Saeed and assistant Chief Engineer Hussein N. Saleh. The committee undertook training of the teaching staff through conducting many practical workshops and practical (electronic) lectures that were attended by dozens of teaching staff from inside and outside the college in topics of preparing questions in all their forms and types and on more than one electronic exam platform. Undoubtedly, the committee faced some technical difficulties due to the lack of access to the Internet for all in a good and regular manner, or the lack of experience of some teaching staff in their dealings with software and digital in general as well as the conditions of Corona (as we noted about it). However, the committee continued its endeavors, until the teaching staff became very good practical scientific experience that qualified it to successfully conduct the exams online. Then another phase of training began, this time involving the students themselves. After this, the committee took to direct the various scientific disciplines by conducting various electronic exams as a trial only. And it was indeed a pioneering experience that performed successfully whether at the student, college or exam committee levels alike. Until coming the decisive hour, when the first formal practical test for the committee was launched, on Sunday 14 June 2020 when the supplementary exams (the fourth round) of the academic year 2018-2019 began, when the first formal practical test for the committee was launched, on Sunday 14 June 2020 when the supplementary exams (the fourth round) of the academic year 2018-2019 began. Despite the interruption and weakness of the Internet in the city of Mosul after the mentioned date, the exams were then resumed (after the extension of the schedule) and ended successfully. On Sunday, June 28, 2020, the College of Medicine (and also through the examination committee) is preparing to start mid-year exams for the academic year 2019-2020 (postponed). It is hoped that the new (important) exams will go well, but this time after gaining deep practical successful experiences, they would not have been achieved but God Almighty’s care first and foremost, then joint efforts by everyone without exception, starting with the Deanship and the distinguished College Council, passing through the scientific departments and registration division, and ending with the teaching staff and the student. And we certainly do not forget the active role of the beating heart that binds these pillars together, represented by the examination committee. We proudly mention that the college’s examination committee is chaired by the teaching staff of the Department of Pediatrics , assistant Professor Dr Mazen M. Fawzi al-Sarraf, with a good number of teaching staff and other staff who have proven (and are still proving) that they are rightly men of this stage in the circumstances of this ongoing pandemic. Before the completion of this publication, the final exam schedule, which will start on July 12, 2020, has been issued, and it represents a new challenge that both the college and the examination committee will be able to perform and bypass in a good way, if God willing.

